Is Your Coffee Habit Keeping You Down?


I LOVE coffee. Let me count the ways. Think Forrest Gump's Bubba with shrimp. That's me, but with coffee: coffee drinks, coffee ice cream, coffee mugs, coffee cake, hot coffee, iced coffee. You get the picture. I adore the ritual, the smell, the beautiful mugs, and that first sip on early mornings. What's not to love?

Unfortunately, not everyone has the same experience with coffee. Some people swear by it, while others cannot touch it without having adverse reactions. Researching it can be just as complicated, so I did some legwork for you.

As with most things, there are no one-size-fits-all solutions, but my goal is for this information to help you find what works for you.

Coffee can have positive health benefits. It can:

  • Boost metabolism and mood.

  • Improve energy levels and physical performance.

  • Potentially lower your risk of type 2 diabetes and dementia.

These are just a few of the possible pros. At the very least, it's usually harmless when consumed in small amounts. However, it can have harmful effects depending on your genes, health conditions, and consumption habits:


According to Healthline, women are at higher risk of high blood pressure than men after the onset of menopause. Some women who have high blood pressure may be asymptomatic and not even know it. Coffee can cause dramatic increases in blood pressure even for people who do not have blood pressure issues.

If you already have high blood pressure, consult with your doctor to see if you should limit or stop drinking coffee and other caffeinated beverages. If you don't know if you have high blood pressure and you drink coffee, you might still want to consult with your doctor just to be safe.


Although coffee might be safe and even beneficial for most of the general population, women with hormonal issues need to pay particular attention to how coffee affects them. Some common hormonal issues include:

  • PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome)

  • Fibroids

  • PMS (premenstrual syndrome)

  • Endometriosis

Even if you don't have hormonal issues, your daily cup of joe can still impact your hormone regulation. If you're adding cream and sugar, this can cause a blood sugar spike. Even without these extras, caffeine can trigger your body to produce extra cortisol. Too much cortisol can lead to inflammation, the root of many medical issues.


According to Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones, a women's specialist at the University of Utah, 30 percent of women in their forties have an overactive bladder. Caffeine can stimulate the bladder and increase urination. Too much caffeine may not be a good idea if you're already running to the bathroom too frequently.

Even if you don't have any bathroom troubles, drinking coffee can still increase your chances of incontinence. One study examined 65,000 women who were not incontinent. The women who had more than 450 mg of caffeine per day showed a significant increase in their chances of incontinence compared to the women who had less than 150 mg a day.

Do you suspect your frequent urination and urgency are due to your coffee ritual? It may be time to cut back or talk to your doctor.


If you already deal with anxiety, caffeine may not be a good idea. Susan Bowling, a psychologist at the Women's Health Center of Cleveland Clinic, says coffee beans have a powerful stimulant that speeds up bodily functions and fires up anxiety. This is because caffeine can cause a faster heartbeat, raised body temperature, and an increased breathing rate. Your mind doesn't know the difference between caffeine and your anxiety.

If you don't suffer from anxiety, you may not need to worry. Low to moderate caffeine intake can be a perfectly healthy pick-me-up in the dose that is right for you. For others, it can still cause major jitters.


According to the Sleep Foundation, caffeine can reduce sleep efficiency, time, and satisfaction. This is especially true as we get older. More specifically, coffee disturbs our slow-wave sleep. That's that sweet, deep slumber that leaves us refreshed and alert after a great night of snoozing. These effects can occur up to six hours after you have that latte!


Caffeine may not cause addiction the way substances like cocaine do. Still, many people are dependent on it and experience withdrawal without it. This is especially true for people who drink large amounts of coffee daily. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms above, but you still feel like you need your daily dose of coffee, you might be growing dependent on it.


If you have a sneaking suspicion that you need to give up or decrease your coffee, have no fear. There are some amazing alternatives available. It's much easier to replace a habit with a new one than to stop one cold turkey.

  • Kion Coffee aims to deliver natural energy with clean ingredients. Many reviewers say they love the flavor and do not get any jitters from this brand.

  • Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee has half the caffeine of coffee. It's made with health- promoting ingredients like organic fair trade coffee, organic Chaga mushrooms, and organic Lion's Mane mushrooms.

  • MUD\WTR is another viable option. It has one-seventh the caffeine of coffee and provides many of the same benefits without the negative side effects.

  • Dandy Blend is a completely caffeine-free alternative. It is made from five ingredients: roasted barley extracts, roasted rye extracts, roasted dandelion root extracts, roasted chicory root extracts, and roasted sugar beetroot extracts.

If cost and availability are barriers to these options, finding a delicious caffeine-free tea you love can do the trick as well. Even warm lemon water might help you kick your coffee habit. You may not even need to stop drinking coffee altogether. Sometimes reducing your intake is enough. A healthcare professional who knows your history can help guide you.

If you know your coffee fix is not uplifting you, be willing to keep exploring until you find a replacement that does. It all comes down to being in tune with your body through the seasons of your life. Create a routine that makes you feel good inside and out. You deserve to have an enjoyable ritual that is good for you on every level.

Your mind and body will thank you.

❤️ GG


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