Everything Gina


Who Am I?

Hi! My name is Gina, nickname GG.

I am a fitness coach, community leader, mom, sister, daughter and friend. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management from Moravian University in Pennsylvania. I played tennis, softball and basketball all through school. As I entered my twenties, my focus shifted to running. This sparked my love of cardio. I ran many races, as my competitive side never left me.

After entering my thirties, my health took another shift. I had gone through a divorce, lost a brother to suicide, battled depression and moved across the country to Los Angeles. I gained unwanted weight, overworked and under appreciated my body. I didn’t recognize myself. This wasn’t me.

One day I decided to do something about it. Enough was enough! I laced up my sneakers and hit the road. I focused my energy on my eating habits and took up indoor cycling. One year later, I was auditioning to coach indoor cycling classes at Equinox. I landed the job!

Finally, I felt like myself again.

Then the pandemic hit. I was one year into my new routine, and my life was shifting again. There I was in my forties, and as far as I knew, both of my jobs were gone. Since I couldn't go to the gym, I worked out in my garage and started running outdoors again. This is the only way I knew how to find stability in an unstable time.

I didn’t realize it, but this was exactly what I needed! Cycling and leading fitness classes several days a week before and after my full-time job was grueling. I spent so much energy creating classes, I had lost my way in my own health journey.

Something funny happened when I decided to focus on ME. Not only did I find myself again, but it opened up an entirely new way of life that I never could have imagined. My relationships with family and friends flourished. I began writing every day. When that call came that the gym was reopening, after much prayer, I declined to return. I shifted my focus on reaching a much larger audience of women.

My goal is to inspire you, guide you and influence you to focus on YOU: mind, body and soul, so that you can live your most fulfilled life.


Welcome to my blog!

We will be focusing solely on women and women's health. I must warn you... I tend to curse, and I promise not to hold back on the raw facts of my journey.

Life isn’t always what social media portrays. It’s often challenging and sometimes downright painful. We are stronger as a team. Let's do this together!

❤️ GG


Let’s connect!


Is Your Coffee Habit Keeping You Down?


6 Steps for Resuming Life After Lockdown