Are you still battling to control your thoughts, actions, and emotions?

Have you tried every diet, program, fad, and "miracle" wellness solution on the market in hopes to reboot yourself?

Do you feel like you're the only person out there with zero willpower and mental strength to even get through the day?



VIP 1:1 Coaching Program!

For stressed out and overwhelmed women & men who want to live life to the fullest and reclaim their body and mindset.

Our world makes it really hard to keep healthy, stay in shape, and look after ourselves.

With over-processed, preservative and additive-filled, calorie and sugar-laden foods that don’t even resemble the real thing loading down our grocery store and pantry shelves, it sometimes feels impossible to keep track of what’s supposed to be good for us.

We’ve lost touch with what real food is, what real nutrition is. Instead, we fill ourselves with empty calories and try to keep healthy with pills and powders. Then, we wonder why our mindset has plummeted.

Pressure, stress, and time constraints make it so much easier just to grab a prepared convenience meal or take-out, instead of enjoying natural, healthy food. (We just don’t have the time!)

...It’s enough to make you want to just give up!

Our world makes it really hard to keep healthy, stay in shape, and look after ourselves.

With over-processed, preservative and additive-filled, calorie and sugar-laden foods that don’t even resemble the real thing loading down our grocery store and pantry shelves, it sometimes feels impossible to keep track of what’s supposed to be good for us.

We’ve lost touch with what real food is, what real nutrition is. Instead, we fill ourselves with empty calories and try to keep healthy with pills and powders. Then, we wonder why our mindset has plummeted.

Pressure, stress, and time constraints make it so much easier just to grab a prepared convenience meal or take-out, instead of enjoying natural, healthy food. (We just don’t have the time!)

...It’s enough to make you want to just give up!

“ I FEEL stronger, I FEEL healthier, & I LOOK better”

I am MORE CONFIDENT now taking photos and doing live video meetings!


Regaining control of your body and mindset is possible. 

Improving your health and giving your body a fighting chance is possible.

Transforming from the inside out is possible.

...It's all about Mindset.

It's a proven fact - the people who manage to lose their excess weight (and emotional baggage) and keep it off long term are those who change their lifestyle for good, and a super-important part of that is changing your mindset, your attitude towards nutrition, eating, and healthy living.

But there is a better way…

It’s about digging deep into stress management, emotional eating, and self-care.

VIP 1:1 Coaching Program!

It's all about how we see food and view life.

  • Eating healthy, fresh, and natural foods isn't a punishment for the life you've led until now - it's an investment in your future.

  • Fresh, nutrient-packed fruits, vegetables, and lean meats aren't boring and tasteless - they're food the way it's meant to be enjoyed, without all the processing, additives, added sugar, artificial flavors and preservatives crammed in.

  • Eating lighter, healthier and fresher food isn't depriving yourself of good food, It’s filling your body with the nourishment it needs to do amazing, wonderful, good food, it’s filling…

  • Taking time for yourself isn’t selfish - it’s vital self-care!

OMG! This program has been a life-changer for me! I used to struggle with digestive issues and insomnia because I could never turn off the worry -until this program!!!

I signed up for a mindset makeover and I got a body makeover as a bonus! Thank you!


To really change your life, you need to change your mindset.

You need to reset it, reboot it, get it back to its natural settings - to a mental state where you understand what’s good for your body and choose to embrace it.

What qualifies me to help you?

I am a Certified Positive Psychology Coach based in California. My holistic approach to overall wellness brings clarity, direction, and positive support for my clients by filling the gap between where they are now, and where they want to be.

As a physical, mental and spiritual Lifestyle Coach, I am drawn to helping others achieve their wellness goals. I have found along the way that there is so much more to wellness than just the physical aspect. There is mental and spiritual fitness as well.

I have extensive experience in the areas of weight loss, physical fitness, and the mindset shifts required for building and sustaining a wellness lifestyle.

I am happy to talk about any of these topics or all of them :)

The VIP 1:1 Coaching Program will get you on the right track to changing your relationship with food and your body for life!

When you join my VIP 1:1 Coaching Program now, you will get:

  • Delicious Vegetarian and Omnivore recipes, daily suggested meals, and a shopping list to make life easier for you!

  • Nutrition as a core body foundation so you can FEED your MIND.

  • In-depth mindset work and exercises.

  • A 75-minute introductory session to go through health concerns and goals.

  • Six or Twelve private 60-minute weekly sessions.

  • Post-session recaps via email.

  • Community support (access to people who are on this journey, too!).

  • Your personal food diary, intuitive eating journal, mindful focus guide, body support guide, and life envisioning gratitude journal.

Embrace your mindful life today!

By resetting your mindset and embracing a healthy lifestyle, you’ll discover:

  • More energy

  • Better health

  • A stronger immune system

  • Clearer, brighter hair, skin, and eyes

  • More comfort in your own skin

  • Less aches and pains

  • No more constant, excessive bloating and gas

  • And most importantly - you’ll discover a new, more positive and mindful way of looking at the world!

Join me for the VIP 1:1 Coaching Program today!

The BEST two words that come to mind when I think of everything Gina helped me accomplish are:  


Chris H.

Follow me on Instagram for a healthy dose of inspiration, education, and cute dog pics!

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