7 Tips for Self-Improvement September

We blinked and summer passed us by. How did that happen? Anyone else feel this? We’re a hop and skip away from being officially in fall, crunching leaves beneath our feet and ordering pumpkin spice latte after pumpkin spice latte. As we move into the new season, life does not slow down. I’d argue that fall is just as - if not more - busy than summer. Kids go back to school. There’s a holiday every month from September through the winter. Travel. Family. Gatherings. Oh my!

With all this coming up, it’s important to take time for self-care and what better time than the Self-Improvement Month!  Just because the days of tanning in a bikini poolside are dwindling doesn’t mean your time spent on yourself has to, or even needs to. Here are my top 7 tips to prioritize self-care and self-love through the transition into fall and beyond.

1. Book Recommendation: Breath - The Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor

This beautiful book came out during the pandemic in 2020. It’s a historical and scientific look into breathing and how much it affects us as human beings. It’s something most of us take for granted and give very little thought, too. But the reality is the way we breathe can have significant impacts on our health, mood, energy and even focus. Take a deep dive into the science behind it with this wonderful read.

2. Improve Sleep Hygiene

Sleep hygiene involves everything you do before and during the time you allow your body to sleep. We’ve all heard the recommendations and tips on limiting screen time, particularly blue light before bed. Sleep hygiene goes well beyond screens. Here’s a few things I’d recommend to improve your quality of sleep and get more rest:

  • Sleep mask and/or blackout curtains - the more you can limit light from waking you, the better sleep you will have throughout the night.

  • Calming noise - white, brown and pink noise waves are the best to block out unwanted sounds from disturbing your sleep and help you stay in REM for longer.

  • ChiliPad - I do not know how I slept before stumbling upon this incredible invention. The Chilipad slips beneath your sheets and helps keep your body cool at night. If you’re a hot sleeper like me, this is an absolute game changer and must have!

3. Gratitude Journaling

A classic self-love tip and I cannot recommend it enough is to grab a journal and practice gratitude. Do this in a way that best suits you. Whether it’s a physical journal, a digital one on your computer or phone, it doesn’t matter. The act of taking even 5 minutes a day to jot down what you’re grateful for has the power to change your synapses and rewrite your brain to focus on and look for the positive. Pro tip: Don’t list generalities such as “I’m grateful for my health”. Be as specific as possible to really get the benefits. Instead, think of 3-5 things super specific to each day such as “I’m grateful it was sunny and I was able to run outdoors” or “I’m grateful I saw my friend and cooked a nice meal tonight” and so on.

4. Get Creative

Take some time for yourself this fall by getting a little creative. Creativity is one of the best ways we can work through emotions and let different sides of ourselves shine. Whether you sketch, paint, or even take up a pottery class with a friend you can’t go wrong with getting a little creative. Want to make a fun night of it? Search Groupon in your area for one of those paint and wine classes. Bring your family or a friend and have a fun fall indoor activity night together!

5. Stretch!

You don’t have to become a full-on yogi to get the benefits of stretching. Stretching can be done from the comfort of your room, in private, and without $300 Lululemon outfits (although we love a good yogi outfit, just saying you don’t need one for this). Stretching is often overlooked, even by avid gym-goers. The reality is stretching improves blood flow, flexibility, and joint fluid. This is imperative in cold months and as we age, to keep our bodies healthy and moving seamlessly. Take a few minutes break or before bed to stretch, and your joints (especially knees) will strengthen.

6. Drink Matcha

If you follow the Kardashians, chances are you’ve seen Kourtney and her wellness brand Poosh post all about Matcha. She’s not the first and won’t be the last to advocate for its many health benefits. Matcha helps the body to “reduce inflammation…help maintain healthy arteries and promote cell repair” according to Healthline. It also promotes energy within the body and can lower blood pressure and bring a natural balance to your metabolism. The next time you go for a coffee, consider a hot (or iced) matcha latte instead.

7. Collagen, collagen, collagen!

Collagen is one of the best supplements around to keep us looking more youthful. Whether you scoop a little into your protein shake, coffee, or smoothie - your skin will thank you. Collagen “can prevent bone loss, relieve joint pain, and improve skin health by reducing wrinkles and dryness”. What happens in the fall and winter months? The air dries out, and so does our skin. Collagen is an excellent way to naturally boost your body’s supply and help keep your skin plump and fresh. I add two scoops to my morning coffee!

When it comes to new seasons, our daily routines tend to shift. I encourage you not to let your self-care routines slip off the schedule. You are your priority. No one else will take care of your mental or physical health if you don’t. Put some time on the calendar each day for you. Flip through these self-care tips and pick one (or several) or come up with a few of your own. No matter what season it is or how busy life gets, you are always worth your own attention, energy, investment and time. Never forget that.

Remember, Happiness is an Inside Job, so get to work!


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All content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only.



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