Overhauling your mind, body, and soul doesn’t have to take a lifetime. In fact, it’s only three weeks away.


Would you like to eat better? Feel better?

Do you want to improve your fitness level and be in amazing shape?

Do you want to have a more positive mindset and a healthier outlook?


I truly believe wellness is holistic. We can only have our healthiest body when we also have a healthy mind. The opposite is also true. 

No matter where you are on your wellness journey, there’s always room for improvement. You probably have some change you’ve been wanting to make that’s sitting in the corner of your mind nagging at you. 

When I changed my eating habits, it opened up a whole new portal into being my best self physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. My 21 Day Reset will do the same for you. 

Making changes can be hard, but having a plan makes it so much easier and takes out all the guesswork. That’s why I’ve prepared this DIY digital program for you. All you have to do is follow it.

The changes you haven’t quite been able to make yet are 21 days away. Don’t wait any longer.

Optimal Eating. Superior Living.

Vegan or Omnivore—I’ve Got You!
Choose yourself every day.

The world around us sets us up for failure. There’s a fast food drive-thru on every street and endless, mindless entertainment at our fingertips. We spend most of our lives working. Then we come home exhausted to crash on the couch. 

I want to help you thrive instead of just existing. 

Too often, we fall to the bottom of our own to-do list. Adapting a diet of fresh, natural, healthy foods is a major step toward feeling better in every way. 

When I say diet, I do NOT mean some get skinny quick fad. I mean a way of eating that you will want to stick with because it’s delicious and satisfying. You will want to keep feeling radiant on every level. 

Start choosing yourself every day by changing how you fuel your body. Believe me- it changes everything. For the better.

Clean Fuel. Lasting Energy.

Do you remember what it’s like to get a good night’s sleep and wake up feeling refreshed? A lot of us think sleepwalking through life never feeling fully awake is normal. Unfortunately, we may be right. It probably is normal.

  • About 70 million Americans are coping with sleep disorders. 

  • Millions more are addicted to coffee or sugary sodas and energy drinks to keep them going through the day.

  • About 100,000 police-reported drowsy-driving accidents happen each year.

You don’t have to live this way.

There are several aspects of sleep hygiene, but a vital one is what we eat. Natural, fiber-rich foods are sleep-promoting. Highly-processed, sugary, fatty foods have the opposite effect. 

Good sleep is essential for being our best selves. And the right food is a great place to start. 

How do we go from existing to thriving?

I may have painted a pretty glum picture. Unfortunately, I’m sure you’ll agree it’s accurate. 

  • Over 71% of Americans are overweight. 

  • About 40% are obese. 

  • Six in ten adults take at least one prescription. A quarter of those takes  four or more. 

YOU don’t have to live like this!

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. ~Lao Tzu

It may seem overwhelming to think of overhauling your life all at once. Breathe! No one is expecting that of you. 

Have you ever heard that 80% of our results come from 20% of our actions? In my experience, that’s very true! 

There are steps you can take today that can take your life to the next level. You can improve your physical, mental, and emotional health faster than you know it. 

Introducing GG’s 21 Day Reset

You might not think you can change your life in 21 days. I know you can because I did!

Three weeks can change the trajectory of your life for the better. It’s just enough time to start flourishing. 

My program consists of three interconnected components.


When we hear the word diet, we might think of what we’ve been sold—get-thin-quickly schemes that usually lead to yo-yoing weight and mental health hell. This is not what diet means in my program. Diet means what you eat, plain and simple. In this case, it will be the fresh, natural, and delicious foods we were made to consume. 


When we hear the word diet, we might think of what we’ve been sold—get-thin-quickly schemes that usually lead to yo-yoing weight and mental health hell. This is not what diet means in my program. Diet means what you eat, plain and simple. In this case, it will be the fresh, natural, and delicious foods we were made to consume. 



Even if you do not consider yourself a spiritual person, this program is still right for you. By soul, I mean your heart—your emotional well-being. Food has a profound impact on our mood and emotional health. This program will be just as healing for your spirit as it is for your body. 



It is hard to feel positive when we are running on empty. Mindful eating produces a multitude of positive side effects like feeling and thinking better. A huge component of this program is fine-tuning your thought processes for gratitude, abundance, and joy! 

My holistic approach recognizes that each one of these aspects is key to effective change.
This 21-day adventure focuses on your mind, body, and soul every step of the way.


It is hard to feel positive when we are running on empty. Mindful eating produces a multitude of positive side effects like feeling and thinking better. A huge component of this program is fine-tuning your thought processes for gratitude, abundance, and joy! 

My holistic approach recognizes that each one of these aspects is key to effective change.
This 21-day adventure focuses on your mind, body, and soul every step of the way.


What’s in it for you?

By now, you might be thinking,

Okay, that sounds great, but how do I do this? What do I actually get?

When you opt in for my 21-day reset, you’ll have access to:

GG’s 21-Day Reset Welcome Letter

You will receive a warm, supportive welcome note laying out the nuts and bolts of the program. 

4 eBook Guides

These information-filled eBooks will be your weekly guides throughout the program. Each week, you will receive one book with information, tips, and coursework to guide you through your reset. 

Week 1: Mindful Mastery

“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” ~Lao Tzu

This first week will focus on releasing old thinking and patterns and replacing them with new ones that give you a strong foundation.

Week 2: Body Nourish

“To keep the body in good health is a duty. Otherwise, we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” ~Buddha

This week is all about resetting your nutrition—a key component of lasting transformation. Fueling your body well also fuels your soul and mind.

Week 3: Soul Soothing

“The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire.” ~ Ferdinand Foch

This 21-day experience is meant to nourish and renew you at every level. The reset goes deep to create real change.

Bonus Book: You will want to keep going after resetting your mind, body, and soul. This bonus book will help keep you thriving long after the program has ended. 

7 Info-Rich Handouts: In addition to the eBooks, you’ll receive seven handouts that support your reset goals. 

  • 7 Yummy Snacks That Pack An Energizing Punch

  • Gentle At-Home Exercises to Activate Your Parasympathetic Nervous System

  • Reset Your Mind: Create Your Healthy Ritual for Long-Term Happiness

  • Gratitude and Joy Journal: Savor the Good. Reprogram Your Mind.

  • Your Affirmation Handbook for Boosting Confidence and Positivity

  • 10 Soulful Activities to Bring You Joy

  • Thinking Big: Beyond Three Weeks- Maintaining Your Reset for Life

GG’s 21-Day Reset Calendar: This little gift will help you stay on schedule and track your progress. 

Personal Food Journal: Mindful eating starts with, well, mindfulness. The first step is being aware of what you’re eating. Keeping a food journal is about figuring out your starting point. Leave the judgment at the door! We’ve all gotta start somewhere! 

GG’s 21 Day Reset Recipe Guide (omnivore and vegan versions available): These recipes will leave you feeling satisfied and make you glow from the inside out. Eating healthy and delicious food is a gift, and your body will thank you. 

21 Days of Shopping Lists and Meal Suggestions (omnivore and vegan versions available): The first step to eating healthy is shopping well. If you’re anything like me, if it’s in your kitchen, it’s in your mouth. 

These shopping lists take the guesswork out of trying to make healthier food choices. Just stick to the list and get creative. Or keep it simple and follow the meal suggestions. You’ve got options!


Follow me on Instagram for a healthy dose of inspiration, education, and cute dog pics!

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